At the founding of the company, Mr. Ma issued generous stock option packages to early employees because he wanted to enrich the lives of all involved in his venture. 创建公司时,他给予早期员工大量股票期权,因为他希望使所有参与者的生活都变得富裕起来。
Thus in a corporation which has issued common stock only, the book value per share is computed by dividing total Stockholders 'equity by the number of shares outstanding. 因此,如果公司只发行普通股,每股账面价值的计算为股东权益总额除以发行在外的股数。
When par value stock is issued, the Capital Stock account is credited with the par value of the shares issued, regardless of whether the issuance price is more or less than par. 那些股票索价高于面值。在发行有面值的股票时,不管发行价格高于或低于票面值,按发行股份的票面值贷记股本账户。
On June 1, the corporation issued 20 shares of common stock. 联营公司发行的证券6月1日,公司发行又发行普通股20股。
The "basic" type of capital stock issued by every corporation often is called common stock. 每个公司发行股本的“基本”类型通常称为普通股。
Newly issued stock that is in great public demand. 有大量需求初次出售的股票。
The amount of profit the company that issued the stock has been making, or is predicted to make, and its financial condition; 回发行股票的公司当前的或预测的赢利额,以及该公司的财务状况;
Wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks; wildcat stock speculation; a wildcat airline; wildcat life insurance schemes. 不可靠银行发行的货币;非法的股票投机买卖;不可靠的航班;非法从事的终生人寿保险计划。
Any amount of stock issued above the capital stock authorized is an illegal stock transaction. 超过额定股本数量的股票发行均为非法股票交易。
This February Anta decided to remedy matters and issued a statement to the stock exchange saying it would transfer its extra cash into renminbi accounts in mainland banks to achieve better returns. 今年2月份,安踏决定采取补救措施。该公司向香港交易所发布一份声明,将把其剩余资金转入内地银行的人民币账户,以实现更高的回报率。
Issued common stock for$ 10, the face value is$ 120, the pairing capital in excess of par value is$ 10. 发行普通股票10美元,面值为120美元,超面值交入10美元。
Any shares of preferred stock so issued would have priority over the common stock with respect to dividend or liquidation rights. 任何这样发行的优先股在股息和清算权上都对于普通股具有优先权。
The carrying amount of the bonds becomes the book value of the newly issued stock. 债券的维持费用成为重新发行的股票的帐面价值。
Shares that have been sold and issued to stockholders constitute the issued stock of the corporation. 已出售和发行给股东的股数构成公司的发行股本。
We collect companies that issued A-shares in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market from the year 2001 to 2004 as analysis samples and we take a 3-step procedure to test our hypothesis. 文章选用准则修订前后各两年即2001年&2004年沪、深两市发行A股的上市公司为研究对象。
It is studied with the empirical research that the event of audit opinions issued by certified public accountants impacts on stock market, and focused on the market reaction to the disclosure of modified opinions in annual financial reports in 2002 and 2003 in China's stock market. 本研究针对注册会计师签发审计意见这一事件对股票市场的影响作实证研究,重点探讨股票市场对于2002年度和2003年度非标准无保留审计意见的反应。
The stocks issued on the stock exchanges in China are all common stocks. However, the issuing of preferred stocks is also in conformity with the law. 我国发行的股票都是普通股,但是若发行优先股也是有法律依据的。
Whether the announcement effect of convertible bonds issued can be similar to stock, whether it released negative influence to the stock market? 可转换债券公告发行是否会如同增发、配股一样,在信号效应作用下对股票市场产生一定的负面影响?
The underpricing of newly issued stock is a common problem in global financial market, especially in China. IPO抑价是一个全球金融市场普遍存在的问题,但在中国证券市场上表现得尤为突出,暴露出中国证券市场制度上和投资主体素质等多方面的问题。
At this time, fixing the price of the issued stock becomes a crucial problem. 这个时候,发行股票的定价就成了关键问题。
By the end of 2006, SASAC and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued The proposed methods during implementing Stock Option incentives in state-controlled listed companies ( the territory). 2006年底国资委和财政部联合下发《国有控股上市公司(境内)实施股权激励试行办法》。
SEO ( Second Offering) refers to a listed company through share placements, and the issuance of convertible bonds issued in the stock market and other ways of direct financing. 再融资是指上市公司通过配股、增发和发行可转换债券等方式在证券市场上进行的直接融资。
With the enlargement of the initial issued stock scale, the security market of China has developed rapidly in recent years. 近年来,随着新股发行规模的扩大,中国的证券市场得到了迅猛发展,为活跃社会主义市场经济,推动整个国民经济的快速稳定增长做出了巨大贡献。
Shenzhen World Union Properties Consultancy Co., Ltd., one of the best agent of real estate enterprises in China, issued its shares on the stock market successfully on August 28, 2009. 深圳世联地产顾问股份有限公司作为我国房地产中介服务企业中的佼佼者,在2009年8月28日正式登陆A股市场。
We chose information disclosure of listed companies which issued by Shenzhen Stock to measure, and assign the four grades 4,3,2,1. 从数据的权威性和可得性出发考虑,我们选择了深交所发布的上市公司信息披露质量考核指标来衡量公司信息披露质量,并分别对四个等级赋值4、3、2、1。
In the 1990s, there are a few of warrants issued in Chinese stock market, unfortunately they all failed in the end for unrealistic pricing and hyper-speculations. 权证是一种基础性的金融衍生产品,我国股市在上世纪90年代就曾有过权证交易,但因定价不合理和市场恶意炒作而最终归于失败。